Episode 43: Horror Express (1972)

Horror Express (1972) tells the tale of an anthropologist who discovers a frozen hominin in China which, unbeknownst to him, is possessed by a telepathic extraterrestrial life form. It’s basically The Thing on a train. Ross was so excited when he discovered this one that he couldn’t wait until Halloween.

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In this episode:

Optography - How Forensic Scientists Once Tried to “See” a Dead Person’s Last Sight

Early calculations of the age of Earth

How the human brain gets its wrinkles

Dmanisi – the first humans outside Africa

The history of human origin studies (Including Java Man, the Piltdown hoax, and the Taung Child)


Episode 44: Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) with Fredrik Trusohamn


Episode 42: Troll (2022)