Deadline for Abstract Submissions Extended
We are still accepting abstract submissions for the 2024 PASC-SCPA annual e-conference. Please submit your abstracts as soon as possible using the Google Form.
We are still accepting abstract submissions for the 2024 PASC-SCPA annual e-conference. Please submit your abstracts as soon as possible using the Google Form.
Call for Abstracts - PASC Annual Meeting 2024
PASC-SCPA invites you to submit an abstract for the 2023-2024 annual meeting.
This year's conference will take place online on February 1-2, 2024, and will feature keynote speaker Prof. Andre Costopoulos (UofA) as well as a lunchtime workshop on data management by Anneliese Eber (UofWaterloo). The business meeting will take place on Friday, February 2 at 5:00 pm (CST).
PASC-SCPA invites you to submit an abstract for the 2024 annual meeting.
This year's conference will take place online on February 2, 2024, and will feature keynote speaker Prof. Andre Costopoulos (UofA) as well as a lunchtime workshop on data management by Anneliese Eber (UofWaterloo). The business meeting will take place on Friday, February 2 at 5:00 pm (CST).
Please submit your abstract of no more than 300 words using this Google Form. The deadline for abstract submissions is January 10, 2024. Abstracts will be reviewed by the PASC-SCPA Conference Organizing Committee and you will be informed of their decision by January 15, 2024. The full program will be published on the PASC-SCPA website on January 20, 2024.
Presenters and attendees must be members in good standing or international collaborators of PASC-SCPA members. Membership dues can be paid by sending an e-transfer ($35 for full members, $10 for student members) to Once the abstracts are accepted, presenters are expected to pay conference fee ($25 regular members $10 student members) using the same payment method. All other members can access the conference site free of charge.
PASC-SCPA e-Conference venue
The gather-town virtual conference space for the 2023 annual meeting is now open! Click here to join the conference. The password has been emailed to registered attendees; If you have not received your password please contact
The gather-town virtual conference space for the 2023 annual meeting is now open! Click here to join the conference. The password has been emailed to registered attendees; If you have not received your password please contact
PASC-SCPA e-Conference Program, January 19-20, 2023
The program for the 2023 PASC-SCPA Annual Meeting is now available. The meeting will be held virtually via on January 19-20, 2023. To register please email
The program for the 2023 PASC-SCPA Annual Meeting is now available. The meeting will be held virtually via on January 19-20, 2023. To register please email
Call for Abstracts - PASC-SCPA Annual Meeting
We are looking forward to “seeing” you all in January!
PASC-SCPA invites you to submit an abstract for the 2022-2023 annual meeting.
This conference will take place online January 19-20, 2023.
Formats include standard conference (podium) presentation (18 minutes), lightning talk (5 minutes), and poster presentations.
Please submit your abstract of no more than 250 words to and include the title, author name(s) and affiliation(s), and preferred format.
We are looking forward to “seeing” you all in January!
PASC-SCPA invites you to submit an abstract for the 2022-2023 annual meeting.
This conference will take place online January 19-20, 2023.
Formats include standard conference (podium) presentation (18 minutes), lightning talk (5 minutes), and poster presentations.
Please submit your abstract of no more than 250 words to and include the title, author name(s) and affiliation(s), and preferred format.
We also welcome announcements of research updates, job opportunities, student research assistantships, and field school placements in any of the above formats (please indicate the name of the PI and the project).
Please send your abstracts by December 21 to Abstracts will be reviewed by PASC-SCPA Conference Organizing Committee and you will be notified when they are accepted.
Presenters and attendees must be members in good standing (membership paid for 2022 or renewed for 2023) or international collaborators of PASC-SCPA members. Please ensure membership dues are paid by Jan. 15, 2023.
Conference fees: Full Member: $25 Student: $10 Conference fees go towards hosting platform costs and student prizes. If you are interested in supporting student prizes, please consider a grant donation for which you will receive a receipt. All payments can be made directly to via e-transfer.
PASC-SCPA Annual Meeting Jan.19-20, 2023
This year’s PASC-SCPA annual meeting will be held on January 19-20, 2023. This conference will be held virtually, and for the first time it will be held independently of the CABA-ACAB annual meeting.
Stay tuned for updates regarding abstract submissions in the coming weeks. If you would like to volunteer to help with organization please email
New podcast: Screens of the Stone Age
The PASC Journal Club is taking a break for the summer, but it will return in September. In the meantime, you can listen to PASC members and other researchers discuss more light-hearted topics on our new podcast, Screens of the Stone Age. Hosts Joshua Lindal, Dr. Kimberly Plomp, and Dr. Ross Barnett review movies about prehistoric life.
The PASC Journal Club is taking a break for the summer, but it will return in September. In the meantime, you can listen to PASC members and other researchers discuss more light-hearted topics on our new podcast, Screens of the Stone Age. Hosts Joshua Lindal, Dr. Kimberly Plomp, and Dr. Ross Barnett review movies about prehistoric life.
Journal Club and the launch of the PASC-SCPA Discord server
Thanks to everyone who joined us for the inaugural Journal Club meeting on March 26th! We had a great discussion about “good science” and the importance of collaboration and interdisciplinary approaches to to the study of human origins.
Thanks to everyone who joined us for the inaugural Journal Club meeting on March 26th! We had a great discussion about “good science” and the importance of collaboration and interdisciplinary approaches to to the study of human origins.
The PASC-SCPA Journal Club will continue to take place on the last Friday of each month. April’s topic of discussion will be Teixeira, J.C., Jacobs, G.S., Stringer, C. et al. (2021) Widespread Denisovan ancestry in Island Southeast Asia but no evidence of substantial super-archaic hominin admixture. Nat Ecol Evol. If you would like to join the discussion, meet us on Discord on April 30, 2021.
The newly launched PASC-SCPA Discord server is open to all PASC-SCPA members as well as non-member students interested in paleoanthropology. The goal is to foster greater interactivity between Canadian students and researchers. If you would like to join, please email Joshua Lindal and request an invite link.
Call for papers: Evolutionary Medicine and Palaeoanthropology
We would like to draw your attention to a special issue of Evolution, Medicine and Public Health that is soliciting data-driven, or theoretical research papers from scholars who use bioarchaeology/palaeopathology and evolutionary theory to answer questions about medical issues affecting humans. If you or your lab are conducting such research, please consider submitting your work to EMPH.
We would like to draw your attention to a special issue of Evolution, Medicine and Public Health that is soliciting data-driven, or theoretical research papers from scholars who use bioarchaeology/palaeopathology and evolutionary theory to answer questions about medical issues affecting humans. If you or your lab are conducting such research, please consider submitting your work to EMPH.
Submissions will be considered for this virtual issue up until August 31st, 2021.